Guidelines for Using Express Lanes
Driving in the Express Lanes
- The express lanes are designed for long-distance trips only.
- You cannot exit the express lanes until you reach a designated exit point or the end of the express lane. Exit points are clearly marked with signs and designations.
- Do not attempt to cut through or drive over the plastic poles to exit the express lanes.
- If you enter the express lanes by accident, stay calm and proceed to the nearest designated exit point or to the end of the lanes.
- Do not stop in the express lanes at any time, even if you are confused.
- Weaving in and out of the express lanes is illegal. This can cause crashes and lead to fines and points on your license.

- Be alert and pay attention to all overhead signs, pavement markings, and posted speed limits.
Tolls and Payment

- Using your SunPass® transponder ensures seamless access to 95 Express for a seamless toll payment experience
- If you unintentionally enter the express lanes without a SunPass® or toll-free registration, you are still obligated to pay the toll. Drivers without a transponder will have a photo taken of the vehicle’s license plate as it travels under the tolling equipment. A toll enforcement invoice is then mailed to the registered owner of the vehicle for the toll(s) incurred over a 30-day period, plus a $2.50 administrative fee. In addition, you will be subject to a $25.00 daily violation charge.
Safety on the Express Lanes
- If you are involved in a crash or your vehicle breaks down in the express lanes, pull to the left shoulder if you are able. Dial *347 on your cellphone for assistance. Stay in your vehicle with the doors locked and wait for help. Do not step outside of your vehicle near moving traffic

- Road Rangers patrol 95 Express 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. They are trained and equipped to provide motorist assistance and towing services 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. They can help with minor vehicle repairs such as jumpstarts and flat tires to ensure motorists get home safely. They will also tow stranded vehicles to the nearest safe location. FDOT also has Incident Response Vehicle (IRV) operators who have specialized training and serve as the agency representatives during more complex events to ensure safe and quick clearance.
- Florida Highway Patrol has dedicated troopers who actively monitor 95 Express to enforce traffic laws and ensure motorist compliance on the express lanes.
- Traffic operators housed at FDOT’s regional traffic management centers monitor the facility 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. Operators use closed circuit television (CCTV) cameras, roadway sensors and other technology to detect stranded motorists or traffic incidents on the facility. They dispatch first responders, such as Road Rangers and IRV operators to provide assistance and clear events. They also post important traffic messages on the Dynamic Message Signs (DMS) and the 511 Traveler Information System to keep drivers informed about the latest updates impacting traffic. They oversee project operations to promote the safety and reliability of the facility to benefit all users.